About the Parish of Holy Trinity

Jesus said:
"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly". (John 10:10)
Our church centres are made up of people from all walks of life and from many different nations.
We love diversity and we love to see new people.
We really hope that you will feel right at home.
Our Sunday mornings begin with a warm welcome and an invitation to join in celebrating the good news about Jesus.
Our gatherings offer more formal expressions of Anglican worship, with a mix of older hymns and more contemporary songs as we seek to lift up Jesus’ name together.
Each centre is unique: from the robed and classic Anglicanism expressed at our Launceston CBD centre, to the more informal gatherings at St Andrew's, St James’ and St Matthias.
What unites us across our centres is that when we gather we expect God to meet with us and speak to us in Word and Spirit.
We seek to grow as welcoming communities of Christians, looking to God through the Bible - God's word - for instruction, and to the Holy Spirit as God’s presence to strengthen and guide us in our service of Jesus.
We believe that faith in Jesus Christ affects all areas of our daily life and experience, as we realise with great joy that God has sent his one and only son to die on a cross to bring us forgiveness of our sins, peace with God, and new life. We hope that the output of our faith in Jesus is our love, our service to others and the transformation of people’s lives for Christ in our local area and beyond!
We also aspire to be a proactive and supportive presence in our local community, working alongside other agencies as well as running our own projects as an expression of the love of God in a practical way.