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Church Matters 

At one level, it may seem a bit odd to be considering how to be the church from 1 Corinthians - because of all the first century churches mentioned in the New Testament, you probably won’t find one as troubled as this congregation. Fractured by factions and divisions, the effects of elitism and open hostility, the rich looked down on the poor, sexual immorality was winked at and getting drunk at church meals seemed OK - these and more were just a few of the issues that needed to be dealt with by Paul in his first letter.

Yet here’s the thing…despite their flaws and ‘issues’, Paul still describes the church as precious and blessed. The problems evident at Corinth didn’t make it any less of a church - because at the end of the day, what God said about the church remained true - the church is not a building - the church is the group of people who have been cleansed, sanctified, justified and enriched with the blessings of God’s grace; endowed with every spiritual gift and brought into the fellowship of Jesus Christ. This new identity - the identity that God gives His people, was meant to impact and change the way each member related to one another and the world around them.

Whether encouraging the Corinthians or exhorting them, we can grasp with clarity why God has called His church into being and that what we do as the church MATTERS. It matters to God and it should matter to us.

I hope you will join me between this Sunday (12 January 2025) and Palm Sunday, as we open up the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. I hope you will join me as we pray for each other to so read, mark and inwardly digest God’s word - that the Holy Spirit will transform us to better reflect God’s glory; as we faithfully live into the life

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